rosewood tales discography
S I N G L E S (21 tracks)
A L B U M S (49 tracks)
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Born in 1967, it must have been mid 70s when I started picking strings on dad's guitar. I don't have pictures of me playing at that time but here is one of my dad somewhere in the late 50s playing at what they used to call "zangcroshets" (singing contest). I still have the guitar to date! It's super cheapish and was in fact the only guitar he ever had. Reminds me how spoiled I have been.

Besides the guitar I was kind of fascinated by drums. Friends of mine had a drum set. This me having a go at playing drums end 70s with friends Kris and Wim on guitar ,-)

During the 80s and 90s I filled dozens of cassettes with "ideas". 2003 was a milestone year since I had the courage to work my way through all of them trying to make some kind of inventory and converted all of these to mp3. The net result was around 100 to 200 song-worthy ideas ,-)
Some of the ideas became songs I was playing with good friends Wim on bass, Sven on keyboard & vocals, Tim on drums and me on guitar. Here is a recording during a rehearsal for Garagerock in Ronse. The song is called Vanity in Vain. To date one of my favourites in my song catalog ,-)

2018: I finally decided to try and record decent version of some of my songs. I end up in studio Hooverville with super owner Teun. We make my first album Roads are Closed. It's the title song and is about the thousands of choices we have at any point in our lives goin forward, but not going .. What's done is gone.

In 2014 I lose my beloved mom. Somehow it prompts me to buy a piano - not the most logical step since I don't play the instrument. She looks over my shoulder and would be pleased when in 2019 I record a piano album called The Box. The title song is inspired by a metal box we found after she had passed away. It contained a puppet and a pair of little shoes from the child she had lost at young age.

I go into studio for a second album two years later but that turns out to be too ambitious. A health condition makes it impossible to play with other people around. So I take back home the unfinished takes, buy an audiobpx usb96 to connect to the laptop and start on my own. A couple of months later I release In a string pickin'state of mind. Here is one of the songs on the album called Good Old Days. It's the start of my solo zolderkamer / attic recordings. I have no knowledge about recording, mixing, mastering etc. I learn on the job but realize it is far from easy to achieve studio quality on your own.

Django Please was released mid 2022. One of my favourite albums. It contains a simple bossa nova song (yes from the old cassetttes from the eighties ,-) called Shall we Dance. It's become my most streamed song on Spotify with just shy of 20K streams end 2023.

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